“I began having eye pain, blurry vision, and teary eyes early in my 20s. An ophthalmologist finally told me that I had chronic and severe dry eye. “That doesn’t sound so bad,” I thought to myself. A few types of eye drops and washes, and no more contact lenses. Considering what could be wrong, this seemed like bliss. Little did I know, that I would need to use half of the recommended amount of medicine each day, as well as borrow money in order to fill the prescription and keep my eyes comfortable, and my cornea from further damage. This ailment does not have a cure yet, so a lifetime of expensive daily medicine is ahead for me. I have to convince myself each month that adding the $201 to my budget for a medicine that will prevent irreparable eye damage is worth it.”
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The prescription drug pricing system in the U.S. is rigged against patients. We are fighting to change that.
Patients For Affordable Drugs will collect patient stories and amplify the voices of patients to make policymakers understand the heavy toll of high priced drugs.
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