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Press Releases

FIRDAPSE FLOP: BIO Ignores Calls to Disavow Catalyst Pharmaceuticals

WASHINGTON, DC — One of Big Pharma’s major trade organizations has ignored a call from patients to expel Catalyst Pharmaceuticals — the drug maker responsible for increasing the price of an old drug from $0 to $375,000 overnight. Patients For Affordable Drugs sent a letter and a petition with nearly 2,000 signatures last week to Jim […]

Press Releases

STATEMENT: The Price of Insulin is Still Too High

WASHINGTON, DC — In response to today’s news that Eli Lilly will begin selling an authorized generic of Humalog for $137.35 per vial, Ben Wakana, Executive Director of Patients For Affordable Drugs, issued the following statement: “Clearly, the insulin cartel is feeling pressure after years of price gouging a lifesaving drug. But charging nearly $140 […]


How co-pay coupons and patient assistance are actually robbing us blind

Drug corporations’ copay coupons are marketed as a way to help patients save money on prescription drugs. Experts in this KARE11 report explore a Minneapolis cancer patient’s story and explain how the programs that aim to “help” patients save money are actually helping drug corporations rake in profits at patient and taxpayer expense. Read the […]


The Million Dollar Question You Didn’t Know You Could Ask Your Pharmacist

There is a simple and potentially cost-saving question patients may not know they can ask their pharmacists. NPR reports that patients “can pay a lower cash price for prescriptions instead of using their insurance and doling out the amount the policy requires.” But, the pharmacist is often banned from offering this information, so patients have […]

Press Releases

Big Pharma's list prices are crushing America's seniors

WASHINGTON, DC — Seniors are filling fewer prescriptions for brand-named drugs, but they’re spending significantly more because list prices keep going up, according to a new government report. In response, David Mitchell, a cancer patient and founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs, issued the following statement:  “Today’s report from the HHS Inspector General makes it […]


Delayed: Explaining one of Big Pharma's favorite tricks

In an attempt to encourage and improve transparency, the FDA released a list of more than 50 drug makers accused by generic drug corporations of stalling providing samples that would increase competition and lower prices.    Typically, when a company plans to bring a generic drug to market, it must first show that its drug […]


ICYMI: A Push for Affordable Prices for Taxpayer-Funded Drugs

‘Paying Twice’: A Push for Affordble Prices for Taxpayer-Funded Drugs Robert Pear // The New York Times // May 28, 2018 KEY POINT “We have an incredibly powerful, incredibly productive research and development program being run by N.I.H.,” Ameet Sarpatwari, an instructor at Harvard Medical School, said. “Taxpayers put in money that is paying big […]