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STAT OP-ED: Letting academic medical centers make CAR-T drugs would save billions

KEY POINTS: “We’re weaponizing individuals’ immune systems to destroy cancer and add years to their lives….But at hundreds of thousands of dollars per dose, insurance companies and the U.S. government are struggling to figure out how to pay for these breakthrough treatments.” “There’s a better way, one that will lower the price, enable more precise […]


GALLUP: Millions in U.S. Lost Someone Who Couldn't Afford Treatment

KEY POINTS: “Drug prices directly affect consumers, and with the U.S. one year away from the 2020 election, presidential candidates will increasingly be asked to explain and defend their policy positions regarding rising drug costs.” “Close to nine in 10 U.S. adults report that the costs of prescription drugs are ‘usually much higher’ (69%) or ‘tend […]


BLOOMBERG: Sheriffs’ Ads Slammed Drug Imports, and Big Pharma Helped Pay the Tab

WASHINGTON, DC — Grim-faced sheriffs peered from Washington D.C.-area television screens in hundreds of ads this summer, imploring the country’s leaders to reject proposals to import cheaper prescription drugs from other countries. Importing drugs would “put lives I’m sworn to protect at risk,” Kentucky Sheriff Keith Cain declared from beneath the brim of a white […]


ICYMI: Big Pharma Sinks to the Bottom of U.S. Industry Rankings

KEY POINTS: “The pharmaceutical industry is now the most poorly regarded industry in Americans’ eyes, ranking last on a list of 25 industries that Gallup tests annually.” “The new low in the pharmaceutical industry’s U.S. image comes amid a range of criticisms of industry norms, from generating the highest drug costs in the world to […]


Pharma: A Broken Market Begging for Repairs

Washington Examiner // David Mitchell // Aug. 20, 2019 KEY POINT: “Government policy keeps U.S. drug prices high, and only government reforms can change that.” I am a cancer patient, and I’m losing patience. Despite lots of promises, pronouncements, and plans from both political parties, more than half way into 2019 we have not lowered […]

Press Releases

10 Drug Corporations Drive One-Third of Taxpayer Spending in Medicare Part D

WASHINGTON, DC — Negotiating for the 250 most-expensive drugs in Medicare Part D would address nearly 80 percent of all spending in the program, according to an updated analysis by Patients For Affordable Drugs. The analysis, using data from CMS’ Medicare Part D Drug Spending Dashboard, found the top 250 drugs cost the program $118 Billion, […]

Press Releases

Vertex is pricing life-saving medicines out of reach.

To: Vertex Pharmaceuticals CEO Jeffrey Leiden We are members of cystic fibrosis, investment, and religious communities, and we agree that Vertex Pharmaceuticals, a Boston-based drug corporation, has priced life-saving drugs out of reach. It’s unfair. It’s unjust. And it must change.   Cystic fibrosis is a rare genetic disease that impacts 70,000 to 100,000 people worldwide. […]

Press Releases

CHART PACK: New Analysis Shows Lion’s Share Of Part D Spending is For a Small Percentage of Drugs

 WASHINGTON, DC — As Congress moves toward consideration of legislation to enable direct Medicare drug price negotiation, Patients For Affordable Drugs conducted an analysis to determine where the greatest savings could be achieved. The analysis, using data from CMS’ Medicare Part D Drug Spending Dashboard, shows that less than 1 percent of drugs accounts for […]