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Press Releases
NEW REPORT: Big Pharma Hikes Drug Prices in Midst of COVID-19 Crisis
WASHINGTON, DC –– According to a new analysis by Patients For Affordable Drugs, drug companies raised the list prices of 245 drugs by an average of 23.8 percent since the first case of the novel coronavirus in the U.S. was reported in January. The research found that 75 percent of those price hikes were drugs […]
Kaiser Health News: Drugmakers Tout COVID-19 Vaccines To Refurbish Their Public Image
KEY POINTS: J&J and the rest of the pharmaceutical industry have seized on the coronavirus crisis as a way to polish an image tarnished by unaffordable medicine, patent lawsuits and an addiction epidemic. On April 16, Moderna, a small biotech company, said it will receive up to $483 million in federal funds to speed the development of […]
AXIOS: Drugmaker tripled the price of a pill as it pursued coronavirus use
KEY POINT: “The price hike coincides with the company’s push to get its drug to more patients — specifically those diagnosed with COVID-19.” Washington, DC – This month, Jaguar Health more than tripled the price of its lone FDA-approved drug, right after asking the federal government to expand the use of its drug to coronavirus […]
Press Releases
Statement: Public-Private Partnership to Drive COVID-19 Research Overlooks Drug Prices
WASHINGTON, DC — In response to the new NIH-led public-private partnership to accelerate COVID-19 treatments and vaccines, David Mitchell, a cancer patient and the founder of Patients For Affordable Drugs, issued the following statement: “We are glad the federal government is directing billions of taxpayer dollars to find treatments and vaccines for COVID-19. But since […]
Press Releases
BY THE NUMBERS: New Analysis Finds Over 500 Drug Price Hikes In First Week of January
WASHINGTON, DC — A new analysis by Patients For Affordable Drugs uncovered 524 drug price spikes in the first week of 2020, spotlighting widespread pharmaceutical industry price gouging that underscores the urgent need for Congress to address the issue. The non-profit group found that 72% of those price increases were on drugs with no generic […]
Press Releases
Reaction to White House Blog Post on H.R. 3
WASHINGTON, DC — After an independent analysis found brand-name drugmakers could earn less revenue under H.R. 3 and still be the most profitable U.S. industry, the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) released ablog post claiming the “House drug pricing bill could keep 100 lifesaving drugs from American patients.” This is the same CEA that keeps telling Americans […]