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Cancer Therapy Advisor: “Is Drugmaker Funding for Patient Groups a Hidden Culprit in Rising Drug Prices?”

November 30, 2016 Bryant Furlow Drugmakers contribute $50 million each year to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, more than a sixth of the group’s overall funding. Colon Cancer Alliance receives more than half of its funding—more than $1 million a year—from industry.1 PhRMA, the pharmaceutical industry’s lobby, asserts that drugmakers have a “natural alliance” with […]


Mayo Clinic: “Industry Funding of Cancer Patient Advocacy Organizations”

November 16, 2016 Matthew V. Abola, BA, Vinay Prasad, MD, MPH Cancer patient advocacy organizations (PAOs) often demand faster drug approval and easier access to cancer medications with uncertain benefits and harms.1 Previous research has found that a sizable percentage of PAOs across all disease types receive funding from the biopharmaceutical industry2, 3; as such, […]


Public Citizen: “Patients’ Groups and Big Pharma”

Key Finding Out of 147 patients’ groups that sided with the pharmaceutical industry against the Medicare Part B demonstration project, at least 110 (75%) received funding from the industry. Patients’ Groups and Big Pharma Funding When patients’ groups side with the pharmaceutical industry against proposed policy reforms, they lend credibility and a sympathetic voice to […]