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Forbes: A Patient's Optimistic Call For Bipartisan Drug-Pricing Reform

March 27,2017 David Mitchell With our nation’s fight over the Affordable Care Act in the rear-view mirror, it’s time for Donald Trump and Congress to focus on a genuinely bipartisan issue: drug prices. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 8 in 10 Americans want to allow the government to negotiate prices for people on Medicare. […]


Kaiser Health News: "As Drug Costs Soar, People Delay Or Skip Cancer Treatments"

March 15,2017 Liz Szabo John Krahne received alarming news from his doctor last December. His brain tumors were stable, but his lung tumors had grown noticeably larger. The doctor recommended a drug called Alecensa, which sells for more than $159,000 a year. Medicare would charge Krahne a $3,200 copay in December, then another $3,200 in […]


Morning Consult: “How Patients Will Take on the Rigged System for Drug Pricing"

March 6, 2017 David Mitchell Every Tuesday for the past nine weeks, I’ve sat in an infusion room for four-and-half hours receiving drugs that cost $13,000. It’s going to be every other Tuesday for the next 14 weeks. Total value of the deal — $208,000. I am very grateful for these drugs. I relapsed months […]


Blooomberg: “Drug Costs Too High? Fire the Middleman"

March 3, 2017 Neil Weinberg and Robert Langreth A decade ago, Caterpillar Inc. looked at its employee drug plan and sensed that money was evaporating. The bills for pills had increased inexorably, so the company started to rein in its pharmacy benefit manager, or PBM. The managers are middlemen with murky incentives behind their decisions […]


Wall Street Journal: “Facing Criticism, Drug Makers Keep Lid On Price Increases"

February 26, 2017 Jonathan D. Rockoff and Peter Loftus Facing mounting criticism about prices, drug companies put some limits on their increases this year. Prescription-drug makers traditionally raise list prices in January. This year, they didn’t raise prices for as many drugs as last year and imposed fewer boosts of 10% or greater, according to […]