June 8, 2017 Press Releases

Patients For Affordable Drugs Goes Inside the Belly of the Beast

June 8, 2017
Contact: [email protected]

BOSTON, MA – Patients For Affordable Drugs is taking the fight for lower drug prices inside one of America’s biggest drug corporations. Today, Juliana Keeping, the mother of a cystic fibrosis child is headed to Vertex Pharmaceuticals’ annual shareholder meeting to confront company executives about their price gouging tactics and speak up for patients struggling under high priced drugs.

Juliana’s son, Eli, has cystic fibrosis and he needs medication that cost $259,000 per year to stay alive. Juliana previously tried to confront Vertex CEO Jeffrey Leiden about the outrageous price of his company’s drugs, but he said he was too busy to meet with her the entire month of October—sent some PR people instead. This time, Juliana has a ticket to the main event. She bought stock in Vertex and will be on the floor of today’s shareholder meeting where she plans to directly confront Vertex executives about the company’s shocking drug pricing strategy.

Jeffrey Leiden was paid more than $28 million in 2015. His company prices its blockbuster drugs Kalydeco and Orkambi at $300,000 and $250,000 per year respectively. But the risk, basic science, and research for these drugs was funded by philanthropic donations through the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Vertex simply bought the patents.

WHO: Patients For Affordable Drugs Advisor, Juliana Keeping

WHAT: Juliana, the mother of a cystic fibrosis child, to confront drug company executives over price gouging tactics

WHEN: June 8, 2017

WHERE: Vertex Pharmaceuticals Annual Shareholder Meeting in Boston, MA

RSVP: If you are interested in speaking with Juliana, please contact [email protected].


Patients For Affordable Drugs is the only independent national patient organization focused exclusively on achieving policy changes to lower the price of prescription drugs.